Thursday, June 13, 2013

More Sights of Sound: Auditory Art and Visual Vibrations

There are a lot of people listening more in order to create art to be seen.

Here are a few:

Fabian Oefner

Tim Wakefield

Bring it home to a personal level. My favorite.  Everyone should do this!! 

Frame your speech and hang it on a wall!

Aimee Weaver

Are your words being heard?

Are your sounds being seen?

You are entitled to the space you take up in this world. The words you say should be visible. 

Thoughts expressed. Heart, an open sound wave.

Visible vibrations reverberating out to the dry land like ripples of refreshing water.

Auditory art shining like light waves of the sun brightening a shadowed earthly landscape.

Speak your piece so the world can see.

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