Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wow! That's a lotta snow!

There's snow on her doorsteps. Something my daughter never had during her 16 years in California.

Or her 14 in Florida, for that matter.

She sent this this morning. Just 3 months ago, I was sweeping October leaves off the front steps on a visit to see newborn baby girl. 

Wonder if they had to buy a snow shovel to get the mommy-van out of the driveway this morning.

I'm waiting for photos of afternoon sledding she texted me about. Can't wait. 



January snow.

And son, Jesse in Brooklyn sent pictures of huge snowflakes and drifts on car hoods.

 My daughter's family in Virginia cozies in from the 12 degree night. And my son in New York sleeps in long underwear through a low of 7.

We shiver in our 44 degrees tonight. 

Where ever you are, stay warm and dry.

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