Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The President and Katy Perry

I keep trying to find ways to boost my respect for this administration, but our head of state is making it very difficult for me. I mean between his discarding of Israel, ignoring the violence on the borders, lying  about us being able to keep our doctors and health plans, releasing terrorist leaders, and sending millions to terrorist organizations, I'm finding it nearly impossible.

Every night another outrageous account jolts and short circuits my oval office expectations.

Just when my esteem could get no lower, a new report comes out.

According to the Huffington Post and Washington Post, the President has stated that one of his favorite people is... oh, you take a guess.

Teddy Roosevelt?

Winston Churchill?

Jesse Jackson?


Mahatma Gandhi?

Ella Fitzgerald?

Nelson Mandela?

Mother Theresa?

Bill Gates?

Martin Luther King?

Alisha Keys?

No, none of those.

The president said she was 'a wonderful person.'

'She' was none other than the bra firework shooting, albeit, very good singer,

Katy Perry 

After I picked my jaw up off the floor and searched for my disintegrated respect in the street grate, I had to think again. Even though his choice was just so un-presidential, he wasn't the first Chief of State to do such a thing.

JFK invited Marilyn Monroe to sing at his birthday party. That really wasn't much different than President O's admiration for the pop-y Perry.

But still, please, couldn't he idolize an artist that might have just a smidgen of substance or character?

The next morning I heard this simple ditty milling around in my head, mixed with dream remnants, as I woke up.

Oh no! The President says he likes Katy Perry
Not Diana Krall or Norah Jones, but Katy Perry
Oh no! The president says he likes Katy Perry
Hold on everyone, the country's goin down the drain

Oh no! The President's idol is Katy Perry
I-kissed-a-girl-and-I-think-I like-it -Katy Perry
Oh no! The President's idol is Katy Perry
Hold on, everyone, the country's goin down the drain

Oh no! The President looks up to Katy Perry
Not Teddy Roosevelt or even JFK, but Katy Perry
Oh no! The President looks up to Katy Perry
Hold on everyone, the country's goin down
Hold on everyone, the country's goin down the drain.

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