Thursday, April 11, 2013

If you could ask God one question...

...what would it be?

This was the challenge posed on Easter Sunday at our church. Flip the program over and jot down your question for God.

Wow. Only if it were that easy.

Who knows?  Your divine query may end up in the pastor's next sermon called:

 Truth And Dare-Know the Truth and Dare to Live it.

It was my job to organize the questions and give a report. It was kind of fun and interesting.

Except that there were over 500 cards to peruse. The questions ranged from flippant to poignant to desperate and everywhere in between.

The purpose of Life.
The problem of evil.
How did Adam's family multiply?
Who made God?
Why do You love me when I mess up so much?
Is there only one true religion?

 All I can say is, Have fun, Pastor.
At least he will have no shortage of material.

A quick search on the internet brought up these
oh-so-cute questions from the hand of children.

 Hmmm.... Good question....

 Having raised 4 boys, I love this one. Even though they

shared rooms all their lives, they somehow

avoided this outcome, and reached adulthood having

spared each other from anything fatal :)

But, back to the folks at church and their wonderings about God... Take a peak at some of them:

How did You come into existence?
Why do good people die early?
Why are there sick and suffering people?
Why do animals suffer?
Why is the universe so big?
Why and I here?
Why is life so hard?   (another good one)  
Will I ever have a barn horse when I'm older?
Why have you saved my life so many times?
How do I keep strong in spite of what the world is throwing at me?
Why did god put man and the devil on the same earth?
How can You care about everyone equally?
How can I love like you love?
Which is the true church?
Why did Eve disobey?
Why didn't God use the same size serving spoon when He was dishing things out?
Why do some children have abusive parents?
Why does the Catholic Church have mean nuns?
If the Bible says, Let no man pull asunder, why do so many Christians have permission to marry and remarry?
Does Heaven really have pearly gates and is hell really brimstone?
Does my mom see me from heaven?

I've wondered the last one, too, since my mom passed 3 years ago.

Whether the pastor will tackle any or all of these, I don't know.

But what I do know is God hears our cry
                                                      and bottles our tears
                                                                                           and  counts the hair on our heads,

so surely He's aware of our questions.

And if he cares about the birds that fall to the ground,  He cares about our ponderings.

And if we truly seek Him with an honest heart,
(And even when our motives are askew, which is most the time for me),

He will lean into us.

Maybe not answer every question, but certainly show us who He is.

That's what He is dying to do. That's what He died to do.

So we should go ahead and ask.

And then if we just listen...

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